December 14, 2018


Anything you want you can have.

But be careful with WHY you want it.

Question yourself.
Question your wants.

Because if you want it for happiness,

Happiness is never what it will bring.



November 23, 2018

How it came to be.

Let go. Let go of your mind. Let go of your thoughts. Your analysing. Your rationality. Your odds. 
Let. Go. 

It is THIS moment that counts. This moment is everything you have. Everything you need. 
Believe. In THIS moment.
Trust. In THIS moment. 

No one is any more special than you. Nor less. No one has the odds stacked in their favour any different than you. 

It’s magic. 

It’s magic for everyone. 

When it comes to magic we are all equal. 

Let magic come from anywhere. 

Let it happen. 

Let go. 

And let it happen. 

It will come to be. 

When you let it happen. 

Don’t compare your magic to anyone else’s. Don’t let your mind do that: rationalise or explain how it could have happened for them but not for you. 

Why their magic was easier. More achievable. 

Magic is ALWAYS magic. No matter where it comes from. No matter in what shape it takes form. 

Remember this moment.

In this moment it is still magic. You are believing in magic. Trusting in magic. 

What happens after that - is magic. No matter where it comes from. 
Remember that. 
Don’t let your mind take control. 

Don’t compare yourself. Remember that.

Do not compare. 

All magic comes to be in the same way. Believing. In that moment - believing. Trusting. Allowing. Surrendering to it happening. 

Know it to be true.
And move on.

Don’t cling to your dream.
Move on.
Let life flow.
Don’t cling.

You only need one moment of knowing. Then move on. Love what you do. Love where you are. And move on. 

It will come to happen. 

Allow for it to happen. 

Don’t let your mind tell you why it cannot happen. 

And don’t compare. 

Any way it was or is possible for another - means it’s possible for you. Always.

Let other’s magic be proof of magic. But don’t compare. Don’t explain. Don’t rationalise. Don’t minimise. 

Let everything be magic. 

Let EVERYTHING be magic. 

That’s how magic comes to be. 



October 17, 2018

How to be what this world REALLY needs

These are things I feel are so important we recognise; about how we can change the energy of being frustrated or feel hopeless for not (yet) getting the recognition in life we feel we’d so want, need or deserve.

When we face these feelings, when we feel like giving up because things just aren’t going anywhere - THAT is when we have a true chance to find, and truly connect with, our TRUE value. And our value is our HEART.

If we don’t face challenges, if we get what and where we want “too easily”, we tend to SO (so so so) easily become consumed by our ego. Our ego is the part of us that does not like challenge. That does not like things not going our way. That does not want to be questioned. Our ego wants fame and fortune, and it wants it now. Our ego is also VERY easily flattered (and this is true for all of us) - and when flattered, quite quick to inflate. And when our ego gets flattered, when our ego gets stroked and grows big, we so very easily lose our way. What we do, who we are, becomes motivated by our ego, instead of rooted in our heart.

And how we root ourselves in our heart, is through challenges. Through test of faith. Through trying times. Because these are the times that only passion and dedication COMING FROM THE HEART, will get us through. These are the times when we have the chance to establish a TRUE bond to the motivation of what we do. A bond we will not forget or lose as easily when the flattering times finally come. And THIS is how we become what the world truly needs.

We live in a world dominated by ego; a world now at the brink of ruin. Because ego wants others to fall, in order to rise itself. But the heart knows so much better. The heart knows that the more we give, the more there is. The heart inspires, the heart supports, the heart takes care of each other - ALL of each other. Not only the ones who will get us somewhere. 

So if you’re aching to give up, knowing that you simply can’t - it’s because you know the world needs what your heart has to offer. So please, keep at it. You are SO important, and you are NOT alone.

Love love love,
