May 17, 2018

Poor me.

If only we understood, that things are exactly how we perceive them to be. Nothing more, and nothing less. That they will always be only and exactly that: what we perceive them to be. That it in fact is impossible for something to be other than that, which we perceive it to be. (Think about it; your mind, your perception, is the one who determines what something is!)

A price of an item for example: For one it is too expensive, for another just the right price - might even be too cheap! Which one is the right price then? Yours? Why not theirs? You say Yes, for me it is too expensive, but for them maybe not, because they have more money than I. But: They might actually have the exact same amount of money in their bank account, as many children, the same mortgage - everything - and still see the value of the price differently than you.

Or a situation: For one, it is life - once again - being so difficult/unfair. Like Why do these things just keep happening to me?!? For the other, these things don't actually even happen. Why? Well, because life, happenings, situations, can never be other than that, which you perceive it to be(You might feel like arguing this, but this is the truth.) So, if I don't see life/happenings/situations as things happening to poor little helpless me - then that is exactly how my life is going to be. But: if life always seems to happen to me, then that is my perception, and therefore life simply cannot be anything else but that.

Your life will never be other than that, which you focus upon; than that of your perception. Things will always be too expensive - no matter how much or little money you have - because you'll always choose to perceive them as such. Things will always keep happening to you, if that's how you perceive them to be; things happening to you. 

All - and I mean aaall - of the responsibility lies in us. In our perception of things. That is the only thing you can change. And with changing that -  e v e r y t h i n g  will actually change. Even the prices of things. This actually a promise.

Big love,


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