July 18, 2017

To heal the world.

Thinking a lot about what I stand for. What my values are. What I'm here for. My purpose. Asking myself what it is I really want. Who and what I really want to be.

Am I here to consume? Am I here to promote consuming? Am I here to be and to do like everybody else? Am I here to exploit the world? Am I here to do and to get as much as possible? Or am I here to take care of the world. Am I here to share and to help the ones I can help. Am I here to stand for causes instead of consumption. To stand for peace instead of stress. To stand for values instead of goods. What do I want to teach my daughter? What do I want her to grow up knowing? What do I want her to value? To stand for? To feel about herself?

I want to only want what I actually really want. What speaks the same language as my values. I don't want to want just because everybody else wants, or because trends and/or companies tell me that I should want. I don't want to be a certain way or do certain things because everybody else is. I don't want to want because I get it for free. Or tell you you should want it because I got it for free. I won't take anything for free. Because my consumption I want to keep for my own needs. I'm not here to tell you what you should want. Or how you should be.

I think a lot. I think a lot of how my choices reflect on others. I take my role here quite seriously. I want to stand for what's important in this life. To take care of each other. To take care of our planet. To reconnect with our earth and ourselves. To relearn to be okay with silence. With peace. With not performing all the time.

I want my daughter to know this. That I did all I could to become the best human being I could imagine. That I did all I could to give back. That I lived according to my values. True to my Self. That I found my purpose in life. That I dared stand behind it. And that there is no shame in wanting to heal the world.



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