July 25, 2017

It's all your fault that I'm not happy.

We are so reluctant to face and accept the fact that we are responsible for what we do, how we think, what we feel, what we go through, what happens in and with our lives. We're so comfortable with everything always being someone or something else's fault.

Global warming, pollution, humans, children and animals being mistreated - we all have our part in it, don't we. But it's so convenient to blame others. 
We're stuck at a job that's eating us up from the inside, because of living costs and/or a loan or two. But we choose and chose that loan, we choose how we live, what we consider to need in life, don't we. But it's so convenient to blame the loan, to use all sorts of reasons why we need that loan, that house, that car, those clothes, that boat. 
We're stuck in a relationship or relationships that make us unhappy, that hold us back in life. But we're choosing to stay, aren't we. The convenience, the finances, the traditions, the mutual friends, the children - they're all just excuses, and it's too easy and just too convenient to have them as the reason we're not making a change, isn't it.
Our bad mood, all that goes wrong in a day, a week, a month, our lives... Is all the fault of the weather, our a-hole boss, our job, the news, the bus driver, our friend, our ex, our mother, our partner. Because we are not responsible for what we think or feel or do - but, again: they are. They are responsible for our life choices, for what happens to us, how we react and how we feel. Or if not, at least they should be the ones to fix it. To fix our lives. To fix how we feel. What our experience is. Or at least stop making it so damn impossible for us to be happy.

But why are we and why do we get unhappy? It's exactly because of this: we're looking for the reason, for the responsibility, for the blame - in everything and anything else but in ourselves

It's all your fault, that I'm not happy.

Love love,


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