December 14, 2015

The merciless child.

There you are. My mirror. My merciless one. Everything I do not want to see, you show me. You and your stubborn reflection. I so would like to ignore some things. I so would like to shut my eyes. But you just keep reflecting, and everywhere I go your reflection follows me. I cannot look at myself without seeing you, and I cannot see myself without looking at you. No matter how much I may try to change you, you simply refuse to adjust. Your cold, relentless being always stays the same. Sometimes I would like to brake you. Sometimes I would like to cover you up and ignore what you are. And often I wish you would stop reflecting. To not take your task so seriously. You seem to never cut me any slack. To never have any understanding. Is it really too much to ask for you to uphold a perfect image. To simply mirror without flaw. To bend yourself and reflect some mercy. No. You do not want to change for me. You do not want to bend, brake or cover up for me. So is it wrong of me to then sometimes despise you. To sometimes recent what you are. And tell me, what should I do when you are here because I chose to have you. When your nature is to be my reflection. How can I see myself without looking at you? And how can I look at you, when right now you are all I do not want to see.



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