July 08, 2015

Sprinkling pebbles like fairy dust.

Dreams. And the road that leads to dreams. Seems this road is percepted to be an impossibility these days. Something we are only capable of dreaming about: the road to our dreams. So we settle. We only talk about our dreams. Long for them. Dream about them. 
But actually dreams are much easier to achieve than we are tought. One needs only do one thing: stop listening to ones voice of "reason". Or other people's voice of reason. Even worse to listen to that one. If we choose to listen to a voice inside ourselves, why choose the voice that restricts us? The voice that narrows us and our lives? 
I make my dreams come true with pebbles. I actively build the road to my dreams with them. I sprinkle my pebbles around like fairies do fairy dust. Every pebble being a small action in the right direction - the direction of my dream. And here's the key word: small action. Who cares if you don't achieve everything at once or if you don't succeed greatly and galantly straight away. No one! Only you care. So stop being so hard on youself and fill those pockets with pebbles instead of mighty stones, and start sprinkling those pebbles all around you. And every time your faith starts to waver, google a picture of a beach and look at the amazing result of a thousand teeny tiny pebbles.




  1. Got in my mind: JUST DO IT, by Nike.

    I'll add:
    because it's fun
    because the world needs it
    because it's who you really are

    1. Exactly, Andrea! There's a reason why Nike's slogan is such a success: It's the way to success. đŸ’“
