July 21, 2015

Unhappy lovesongs.

Is this world determined to be unhappy? Even lovesongs (so many of them!) are unhappy. Crying over what is not anymore, what should have been, what never got to be, what we or someone else did wrong... Isn't love supposed to be a happy thing? (Yes.) Every ounce of love we get is a happy thing!
    I recently accompanied my beloved dog friend Doni to higher grounds. For 6,5 years he was my best friend, us together always, through thick and thin. I got to enjoy his splendid company for 6,5 years. I would have wanted it to be 13. At least. Of course it's not easy losing a big part of one's life. To lose someone "before their time". That in itself is an excellent excuse to find life is being unfair to me now. I could justifiably spend my time crying, mourning and complaining over the 6,5 years we didn't have. I could feel all the shades of unfairness. How life is treating me unkindly. For he really was the biggest part of my life. Anyone who knows me knows that is true. So I could sing my unhappy lovesong right now. Or: I can be thankful. I can choose to rejoice and be happy for the 6,5 years that we did have. And I do. So many people choose the former though... Choose to feel they are being treated unfairly - by life or by other people. Choose to complain over the weather that it is not. Choose to count the money that they lack. Choose to stress about the time they don't have. Choose to focus on the blessings other people have, staying blind to the blessings they themselves do have. I find this to be sad. Why not be thankful for what we do have? We all have so much. If we only choose to see it. And appreciate it. There is nothing we will regret in life more than not living life. And we live life through appreciation for life. Appreciation of the moment. Appreciation of our loved one(s). Our health. Each other. Time. Rain. Money. Nature. Animals. Ancestors... Everything is worth being thankful for.
    I know I am finding my dear Donis passing to be easier to deal with because I did appreciate him when I had the joy of having him here. I have no regrets because of that simple thing called appreciation. I kissed him, I cuddled him, I took good care of him, I was thankful for him and I told him that almost every day (yes, of course I spoke to my dog). I loveloveloved him! And thanks to him continuing his journey (and me "losing" my friend) I now know how to live life without regret. And I am so, so happy and thankful for that. I know now to never love halfway. To never take anything or anyone for granted. To not waste time and life on complaining. As I already said: we have so much. And yet all we do is choose to complain. We have love. But we choose to sing unhappy songs about it. Let's not.

Love and a HUGE thank you to my Doni,


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