July 29, 2015

Grow big.

With the social media of today many of us know plenty of what's going on in the world, and alot of it can wake some strong feelings and reactions in us. We see wrongdoings, exploitations, lack of empathy and humanity. And we feel disgust. Wishing things were different or didn't happen. We feel bad inside, our hearts affected by what we know is wrong. But we don't do anything about it. We only feel bad about it. We might talk about it with our friends or accuaintances, but it ends and stays there. We'd never dare really raise our voice and stand up against the wrongdoing - because we tell ourselves noone would listen. But there's always someone who listens. 
    A voice isn't always heard by an ear. There's this great thing, that really listens to what we say, called our conscience. Our conscience is a powerful tool. It thrives and grows from us doing good and standing up for what we believe in. Making ones conscience proud is one of the easiest ways to feel good about oneself, to grow and to feel as a better human being. It helps us love ourselves. Respect ourselves. And with that, we grow stronger. Our voice grows stronger. And the world grows stronger. 
    So to make a change is a simple as letting the world know what we think. That's all there is to it! We can even start by whispering - it doesn't matter - as long as we speak. Our whispers will become stronger as our conscience grows prouder. Because remaining silent is the same as quietly agreeing with what we think is wrong. And our conscience knows that. And we end up thinking less of ourselves. 
    So never underestimate the power you have. There is no such thing as a greater person or a stronger voice. We all have the same opportunity as the next. Every voice is as strong as the next. It's just that the strongest one is the one with the proud conscience.


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